press conference lindsay kemp verona Incontri e conferenze

Lindsay Kemp: intervista in sala Farinati

Breve estratto video e galleria fotografica dell’intervista pubblica (sabato 13 aprile presso la sala Farinati della Biblioteca Civica) al coreografo e ballerino Lindsay Kemp curata da Silvia Bigliazzi e da Lisanna Calvi, docenti di letteratura inglese presso l’Università degli Studi di Verona, e da Jacquelyn Bessell dello Shakespeare Institute.

  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project
  • Lindsay Kemp's Interview on his Romeo and Juliet Project